Prescription d’exercices pour les kinésithérapeutes

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Utilisez les fiches de prescription d’exercices afin de proposer facilement des exercices à vos patients en tant que kinésithérapeute

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+10 000 kinés et étudiants kinés membres

Fullphysio est conçu par des kinés, pour les kinés !

I was then a 3rd year physiotherapy student, and I subscribed with the objective of bringing a real plus to my school curriculum. A year later, in my final year of studies, I am delighted with this investment, which I intend to extend even after graduation.

Elise D.
Physiotherapy student

Fullphysio allows me to find information on treatments that I am not completely ready for.

Clement P.

Fullphysio allows me to diversify my exercises during my treatments, allows me to review certain theoretical aspects of most pathologies encountered in the office, and allows me to easily stay in touch with the latest scientific data.

William C.

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