It's a gold mine! Summarizing literature like that is a crazy job!
Fullphysio allows me to stay up to date in my professional practice, support my knowledge, and improve my care. I think that I save about 3 hours of time per month (or even more) thanks to Fullphysio.
I think I will save 3 hours of time synthesizing information thanks to Fullphysio and an uncalculated amount of time that I did not take to research current scientific data. A great job done on your part!
Thank you for allowing us to have quality and detailed content both in theory and in practice. I save 4 hours per week monitoring science and looking for exercises adapted to my patients. This is a real plus in my practice.
I am very satisfied with the platform, I use it on a daily basis to work on my patient assessments, provide exercises, review pathos that I am a little less familiar with.
Fullphysio brings me a lot for my internships and to complete my initial training!
It really is a great tool. Congratulations and thanks to you!
It's a real gold mine for physiotherapists that I can access anywhere, anytime!
Fullphysio allows me to be informed of the evolution of techniques, the latest recommendations and helps me to take appropriate care of my patients!
Fullphysio allows me to get more to the point! With Fullphysio I am more efficient.
The platform is super easy to use. My scientific intelligence is much more effective than before thanks to Fullphysio!
Fullphysio helps me review my knowledge and find out about the latest EBP news, especially around the implementation of patient exercises.
Great initiative, looking forward to more content and thanks for the work done.
Fullphysio allows me to find information on treatments that I am not completely ready for.
Fullphysio helps me a lot as a young physiotherapist. It allows me to save time on taking care of a patient. It prevents me from getting lost in the search for information, from translating possible pubmed texts, from having a “summary” of what several articles say.
Being a young physiotherapist, Fullphysio helped me a lot to perfect my practice!
I was then a 3rd year physiotherapy student, and I subscribed with the objective of bringing a real plus to my school curriculum. A year later, in my final year of studies, I am delighted with this investment, which I intend to extend even after graduation.
Fullphysio allows me to diversify my exercises during my treatments, allows me to review certain theoretical aspects of most pathologies encountered in the office, and allows me to easily stay in touch with the latest scientific data.
It's so good! I don't need to do hours of research to get up to date.
Ne perdez plus de temps et accédez, rapidement à des informations fiables, actuelles et actualisées en fonction des nouveautés scientifiques.
Pour vous offrir le meilleur, toutes les ressources sont produites par +150 contributeurs scientifiques (kinés, médecins, chirurgiens, etc) tous experts de leurs domaines.
Des formations prises en charge et indemnisées créées par les meilleur(e)s spécialistes pour que vous développiez des compétences immédiatement applicables
E-learning, Classes virtuelles, Blended learning... Formez-vous en toute simplicité et à votre propre rythme en sélectionnant les formats qui vous correspondent.
Accompagnez vos patients vers une rééducation active, en toute simplicité.
Nous souhaitons vous offrir le meilleur logiciel de prescription d’exercices pour les kinésithérapeutes !
Pour cela, toute l’équipe travaille avec coeur pour vous fournir un premier outil simple à prendre en main et qui vous permettra d’effectuer de premières prescriptions avec simplicité. Cet outil évoluera rapidement vers une version plus avancée et fournie en fonctionnalités pour vous offrir le meilleur service possible !